“Giraffada”, whose production title is a cross between “giraffe” and “intifada” was produced by Pyramide Films and directed by Rani Massalha. The award-winning production was screened at the United Nations under the auspices of the UN Working Group of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.
Seen through the eyes of a Palestinian child who lives in a conflict zone, all sides come together to save “Rita” whose partner was killed in an Israeli air raid and is dying of loneliness. Says Director Massalha, “Created as a fable, the film shows “what it is to be a kid in West Bank today living in war, living with a wall surrounding you, with checkpoints, colonies, it’s a very different childhood from people in the West.” “The giraffe is the tallest animal in nature so it sees man from above looking down,” Mr. Massalha said, a reference to the height giving the animal perspective to see the situation in the Middle East as it is, not politicized.”
This contemporary “Aesop’s Fable” joins child, animal, and opposite sides to an uprising on a quest for peace in the Middle East. For more information on the film and a short trailer well worth watching, see, “ At UN Film Screening, Animal Heist Fable Serves as Poignant Metaphor for Middle East Relations.”
For more stories, see “Despair but Some Hope for Animals Among the Ruins”
Diplomat Artist “Animal Welfare Ambassadors” Category Archives
“Could #Tourism Lift “Palestine Economy & Peace? “
“#Palestinian #Refugees Long Journey Recognized”
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