Happy Birthday as UN Highlights its Birth & Development in #Photos

Photo Credit: United Nations

As the United Nations this week has officially turned 70, it has turned back to its own archives to look back at the moment of birth. It may be difficult for most of us to remember the chaos and despair that had persisted before then, something that the UN was created to at least begin to address in the immediate aftermath of the horrors, suffering, and destruction of WW II. The UN Secretary General notes: “When the United Nations was first established, it was an enormous gamble based on hope. The world was in ruins. The founders of the United Nations knew that they had to do more than rebuild the bombed-out buildings with bricks; they had to build a lasting institution based on universal ideals.”  For more photos see, “United Nations at 70: Moments & Milestones

On behalf of Diplomat-Artist, we have also searched history for the more noteworthy moments of the UN and particularly the more compelling personalities who have been part of the life of the United Nations.  (See – “UN at & 70 – Look Back“)


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Diplomat Artist Buzz
Diplomat Artist Buzz
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