Education creates opportunity but also the choice for global citizens to access their rights, from political to economic to social. For this reason, it is in particularly critical for girls and young women. Many are still denied their fundamental choices whether being forced into “early marriage” or denied the opportunity to attend school. (Read: “Education Is a Human Right.” )
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, H.R.H. Prince Zeid made the case:
“Access to education is the key that unlocks many kinds of achievements and choices. It is a right in itself, but also a multiplier right. Empowered by education – an education of quality, which stimulates curiosity, sharpens critical skills, and builds competence – girls can grow up to deploy their skills. They can make choices about their health, work and personal life. And they will be more able to fight successfully for the full range of their human rights, including the right to fully participate in the decisions that shape society”. – (See more at: “Panel Discussion on Realizing the Equal Employment of the Right to Education by Every Girl.”)
Read: “Undocumented & Educated“
See Video produced by Montclair State University Students – “Is Education a Human Right?“
Read: “Universal Global Education“