Tag Archives: #DiplomatArtist

Is Committee on NGO’s & some CSO’s Prejudiced Trend-Setters against #Journalists & #LGBT Orgs?

Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Rupert Colville, High Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, and UNSG Ban Ki-moon lamented that freedom is under…

Lofty Goals at World Humanitarian Summit, BUT Show Me the Money!

The first World Humanitarian Summit, which closed on May 24, 2016 in Istanbul, assembled 173 Member States, 55 Heads of State and Governments, some 350 private sector representatives, and over…

#Veganism on a #GlobalScale? :

Questions that might arise on what veganism can mean to those that are not part of the Western World

There is no doubt that eating less meat and dairy products from the over-industrialized farms that plague our world today and switching to a diet rich in plant-based, unprocessed foods…

World Humanitarian Summit – ‘A Common Humanity Shared Responsibilities’

Istanbul  is host to the World Humanitarian Summit, May 23-24. 2016. To shape a different global future in a world facing unprecedented humanitarian challenges — (130 million people in desperate…

The Bathroom Bill

You do not choose the body you are born in, however, you can decide who you want to be once you learn who you are. Transgender individuals go through a…

New Orleans Jazz Fest – “When Doves Sing not Cry”

Don’t cry for New Orleans. While it was a time to mourn the loss of a great talent, Prince, the New Orleans Jazz Fest was a confirmation and celebration of…

#Crimea History Wins #Eurovision 2016?

Music as diplomacy was nowhere illustrated more effectively than this year’s Eurovision Contest. Perhaps more to the point, the history of Crimea and the various claims to it were put…

#Education Cannot Wait – Find out Why

War, regional strife, & natural disaster are decimating close to 25% of children’s futures in crisis-hit countries. Along with life’s essentials (water, food, and shelter) education is an integral component…

#Giraffe as a #DiplomatArtist & Metaphor for Hope in the Middle East

“Giraffada”, whose production title  is a cross between “giraffe” and “intifada” was produced by Pyramide Films and directed by Rani Massalha. The award-winning production  was screened at the United Nations…

Yemen’s Dangerous New Invader

Conflict and hunger are current pestilence in today’s Yemen. Now, the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) has discovered Desert Locust infestations likely resulting from heavy rains last November…