High Cost of Pollution in Life & Money

Photo Credit: smartercharger.com

Sound economics and health concerns are behind the efforts to reduce pollution in Europe and those other states and regions that have come around to recognize the risks.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), pollution costs Europe $1.6 Trillion in diseases and deaths. The costs may be even more staggering in some developing economies where the drive toward manufacturing or even agricultural industrialization is drowning out concerns regarding human and environmental costs.  While Europe has a longer history of industrialization, environmental degradation and population density, it has also been on the crest of seeking more healthy alternatives compared to developing and underdeveloped states now facing crippling poverty and/or conflict.


For those states that have the good governance and democratic processes to place the interests of their citizens at the top of the agenda, the lessons of pollution in Europe can help them avoid the human, environmental and economic costs.  (See: “More Fertile E-Commerce Environment Urged by UN.”)  Further, environmentally sustainable enterprises may be smart in all countries and for the globe as a whole – saving lives and our environment can be good business! Read more on “Social Responsibility Entrepreneurship.”

Read more on “Global Finance

Read More of WHO Study

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Diplomat Artist Buzz
Diplomat Artist Buzz
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