UN Previews Film on Struggle for Education as Human Right

Photo Credit: Distrib Films US - A scene of two young boys running from the film 'On the Way to School.'

Education as a goal for all children versus the reality of the struggle for so many to realize this fundamental opportunity for a better life was the focus of a recent screening at the UN. From poverty, to conflict, to gender-based discrimination against girls, education is beyond the reach of so many children. The recent attack by the Taliban upon a school in Pakistan highlights the risks but more importantly how schoolchildren are now targets and not merely collateral casualties in some, perhaps many conflicts from Asia to Africa to Europe.
Consistent with our mission of promoting dialogue, global citizenship and digital-diplomacy via film and other forms of art, we herald (Link: “On the Way to School“.) for broadening the reach of the message: “education is a human right.” The participation of UNESCO as well as the NGO, Aide de Action, thrusts forward both the import of the Diplomat-Artist and Digital Diplomacy. We encourage all to take this journey to view the film to feed the mind and heart of one of the critical global challenges, struggles between regressive and progressive forces. We suggest  you also view the below linked short film created by our students at Montclair State University: “Is Education a Human Right?

Diplomat-Artist Buzz


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Diplomat Artist Buzz
Diplomat Artist Buzz
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