Message from Space Explorers: Even Sky Is Not the Limit

Photo Credit: UNOOSA
On this International Space Day, the men and women who have had the opportunity to reach and go beyond the bounds of our earth again recorded a message of history but also of inspiration for future generations. April 12, 1961, “Yuri Gagarin’s journey as the first human in space 54 years ago has inspired us all to advance the boundaries of exploration”, observed the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) Director, Simonetta Di Pippo. Bet you did not know the UN had an Ambassador to Alien Life, or at least that was the quip when the Office was established and Director named a few years earlier.

For UNOOSA, the UN, and our global family, this International Space Day marked the 4th edition of its ‘Messages from Space Explorers’, a collection of messages from Space Explorers serving as a memorabilia of their contribution and inspiration to future generations. “Recording the messages of the many men and women who have travelled into space allows us to commemorate the role these people have played as Ambassadors for humankind,” said Ms. Di Pippo. For more on UNOOSA, here is the link – “United Nations Office for Space Affairs.”

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