Photography to Counter Hunger

Photo Credit: Ari Vitikainen: 'Khauchi Papa, a special meal in the highlands of Laos'

The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) has sponsored a photography contest as means to counter global hunger. This year’s theme being “the family meal.” The United Nations is in theory a club of nations representing their governments, one might snip, “the good, the bad and the ugly.” Increasingly though, the UN has also reached out directly to the people both as constituency and to be directly involved in its efforts. The term “global citizen” has become the means of projecting inclusiveness, empowerment, and activism. One is not defrocked of national, ethnic or religious identity, but to the contrary. “Global citizen” defines someone who is aware and becomes empowered by their deeds, support, and in this instance art.

The photography of this year’s diplomat-artists is recognized in this link –  EU Photo Competition, Shining Spotlight on the Central Role of the ‘Family Meal’.


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Diplomat Artist Buzz
Diplomat Artist Buzz
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