Tag Archives: #UNHCR

Angelina Jolie Speaks to UN Security Council

An actress and artist speaking to diplomats on the political and humanitarian considerations of the never ending cycles of conflict might appear a bit at odds with past tradition.  But…

East African Albino Children Viciously Attacked & Targeted

Children facing education and social rejection, medical and psychological problems, and confinement to poverty are human rights concerns for albino children in East African countries including Tanzania, Malawi, and Burundi….

Actress, UNHCR Envoy & Mother, Angelina Jolie Gives Failing Grade to International Community

Angelina Jolie deplores the immense suffering of both Iraqi citizens internally displaced and the increasing numbers of Syrian refugees on her visit to the Khanke Camp in Iraq. Since her…

Sports Stars Beyond Caricature to Freedom of Expression

When Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) began his peaceful assault upon the walls of racism in America he was frequently joined by artists, who gave encouragement and visibility even…

Do Animals Need a UN Ambassador?

If the United Kingdom has an Ambassador to the UN, why not the “Animal Kingdom”? Animal welfare, biodiversity, wildlife crimes, and the rapidly evolving view of “animal rights” are and…