The new global citizen is being educated at the globe’s university. From activism to careers, much of what occurs at the grassroots comes from new organizations and groups taking shape via the new media and more established institutions of higher learning. It is one of our motivations in offering college courses and lecturing at universities on “Digital Diplomacy.” (Read: “Re-tweeted by the UN Secretary General? Educating the New Citizen Diplomat“)
Over the last five years, United Nations Academic Impact has also been taking shape pursuant to the theme: “Sharing a Culture of Intellectual Social Responsibility.” As with most things that incorporate the Internet, the change is rapid and the thinking has to be dynamic. Academia is traditionally more prone to inertia, but this program by its nature sets the course for the new thinking. Recent initiatives include a “Disarmament Poster Contest.” If your institution wants to take a closer look, here is the link to UN Academic Impact. – We at Diplomat-Artist see this as another mosaic in the new diplomacy and foundation for the evolving understanding and role of the global citizen.