Category Archives: Global Citizen

Half of the Globe’s Countries Get a Failing Grade

  The United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) gives failing grades to more than 50% of the globe’s countries in ensuring gender parity in education in both primary…

Food for Thought on #WorldFoodDay

The goal to eradicate hunger in our lifetime is too far away.  Try explaining lofty challenges and statistics to these Darfur refugees in eastern Chad whose food rations have been…

#Refugees – Their Lives Matter to All

The life of a refugee matters to all of us as human beings and global citizens. It is ironic that these Syrian refugees traveling by raft from Turkey arrive on…

#GlobalCitizen #Diplomacy Rocks!

The United Nations and its diplomacy is increasingly about engaging the global citizen. Fenced in diplomatic reserves remain at the UN HQ which is hosting the globe’s kings, presidents, prime…

Refugees — the Trail Continues of Lives Uprooted

The plight of refugees is the same, regardless of century,  race, ethnicity, sex, age, and color.  Whether driven by famine, war, natural disaster, or territorial relocations/upheavals, we share a collective…

Is Diplomacy in Syria Failing the Lessons of Bosnia?

Is Diplomacy in Syria Failing the Lessons of Bosnia? Lecture by Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey, Bosnia & Herzegovina –Tuesday, Sept. 15, 12:30, Modesto A. Maidique Campus/CP145 –FIU (Florida International University) Steven…

We’ve all been #Refugees, as Old as War & Natural Disaster

  As the refugee crisis escalates, our response tests our humanity as well as our capacity. It also is not just a European problem, but on almost on all continents:…

#Islamic Scholars Speak on Preserving the #Environment

  It is perhaps coincidence that the color of Islam is green, but thinking and behaving consistent with environmental concerns has now focused the attention of Islamic scholars. This follows recent…

#Plastic Trash Islands Twice the Size of Texas in our #Oceans

  From the obnoxious floating bottle to small plastic pellets, the Oceans could become more garbage dump than the expansive marine paradise that feeds, heals and nurtures our imagination and…

How Srebrenica, Netherlands, NATO & UN Were Betrayed

The evidence has now converged from several different sources, including recently revealed documents and statements from former government officials. Confirming our rising suspicions over the last two decades, the betrayal…